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Mobile.: (+2) 01022639027

HEISS Central Electric Water Heaters

HEISS Central Electric Water Heaters

More hot water and lower operating costs

Heiss water heaters are a great option for anyone looking for reliable and efficient hot water solutions. The glass-lined enamel tank and magnesium anode rods help to protect against corrosion and prolong the lifespan of the tank.

In addition to being efficient and low-emission, Heiss electric water heaters have an automatic adjustable thermostat that helps save energy by switching off the heater when the desired temperature has been reached or when there is no water consumption.

The safety features of Heiss water heaters comply with IEC 60335 test standards, ensuring that users can enjoy their hot water without worrying about safety issues. Heiss water heaters are also designed to prevent limestone buildup and heavy metal contamination, further adding to their reliability and safety.


Limited 2 years warranty

The Heiss home boilers are straightforward to maintain and service, and are manufactured in a plant that holds an ISO certification. Additionally, they hold a pending German trademark and come with a limited warranty of 2 years.

German Trademark